Thursday, September 3, 2020

The views of young South- Asian males and females have changed around Essay

The perspectives on youthful South-Asian guys and females have changed around the issue of marriage - Essay Example The relationships when all is said in done can basically be led following two standards, orchestrated marriage and love marriage. There is another kind of marriage, known as affection organized marriage, the sort past the extent of this pilot study. Orchestrated marriage alludes to the sort of marriage where guardians select imminent companion for their youngsters with the thought of the family esteems, culture, training, occupation and social similarity (Nanda, 1995). Then again, love relationships can be viewed as a methods wherein the imminent life partners themselves take the choice to remain together regardless of their comparing family concern. In South-Asian setting, the most recent many years of the twentieth century has gotten an expanding radical move changing the point of view of marriage design and relating dynamic strategy. The point of the examination is to discover the perspectives on youthful South-Asian guys and females on marriage, to see if there are any sex contra sts in approach and to discover reasons representing the distinctions. In Asian setting, particularly in South-Asia, the course of action in the progressions of socio-social and financial example have encouraged the expanding acknowledgment of â€Å"freedom of choice† among youthful people as far as changing from masterminded union with self-chose or love marriage (Tsuya, 2001). The current investigation is concentrating on discovering how much self-chose marriage or love marriage is alluring and the changing example of demeanor for the choice of accomplice by the applicant oneself or still left for the guardians to choose for the youngsters to follow. Nonetheless, the extreme move from masterminded union with adoration marriage being watched particularly during a decades ago recommends the conceivable connection between settlement framework and game plan of marriage framework. The adjustment in the mentality administering the share framework, integral to the orchestrated marriage, may act to be answerable for, or

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The House of the Scorpion Essays

The House of the Scorpion Essays The House of the Scorpion Essay The House of the Scorpion Essay The place of the scorpion The term unprecedented can apply to numerous things. The meaning of unprecedented is an item that is â€Å"very unordinary and meriting attention†. The House of the Scorpion has the right to be called exceptional in light of the fact that it turns a mind blowing scholarly web that won't set you free until you finish the last page with a fulfilled moan. Due to the moralistic issues she cleverly meshes into the book, the phenomenal scholarly language, and her preventative interpretation of things to come, Farmer will never frustrate her perusers as she turns her debate among good and bad. There is a dainty line among great and underhandedness. Rancher dives into ethically wrong issues, and carries our turned developments to the light. She suggests conversation starters of good and bad of points talked about today. Is it moral to clone people? Is a human anguish, despite the fact that they don't know about it? Rancher brings our most noticeably awful feelings of dread into see and dismembers them individually. Despite the fact that we plainly consider some to be as terrible and others as great Farmer offers a second input on these issues and makes us reexamine our answers. Her interpretation of good and bad is exemplified by El Patron and Matt. One is plainly right, and the other wrong. In any case, the peruser can't however feel that El Patron was to be felt for, for example, when he miserably rehashes the story of his dead siblings and sisters. Matt then again at certain occasions was to be detested at, such when he constrained Maria to kiss him. Perusers will be kept to the edge of their seat as she presents questions and answers and keeping in mind that simultaneously making ourselves dive profoundly into our souls and find what we trust in. Perusers won't have the option to put down this book on account of the mindful inquiries it incites. Another of the reasons why perusers are suggested this book is Farmer’s scholarly style. While the plot is the stripped down of the story, the meat is the thing that truly makes the book worth perusing. Her characters are the veins that give the book life as they stream luxuriously from the pages. You can hear Celia and Maria chuckling with Matt while Tam Lin liberally watches on. You can basically feel the adoration between them as Tam Lin becomes a close acquaintence with the forlorn scorned clone, as Maria sidesteps biases to cherish him, as Celia boldly resists El Patron by harming Matt’s heart. She cunningly depicts her story of a modern scene in clearing symbolism, so genuine you can join in Matt’s ghastliness when he discovers what eejits truly are. Rancher has viably enchanted perusers on account of the existence she inhales into the book, changing a lot of basic bones into an exceptional abstract story by mixing it with substance, blood and a heart. The heart is the thing that keeps individuals perusing, and persuades individuals to understand them; the heart siphons the blood through the veins and loans activity to the bones. Rancher catches the functions of a heart and permeates it into her book making it a beneficial read. Rancher keeps a solid hold on the real world while introducing a genuine and stunning perspective on our reality a hundred years into what's to come. She takes a gander at contentions that plague our reality now and envision what will happen many years after the fact. A few creators may consider science to be as an exit from the real world, on the grounds that truly anything can occur later on. Rancher, be that as it may, gives conceivable perspectives on what could befall us in our progress if things proceed as they do now. What she anticipates is monetary debacle, whales biting the dust and entire seas gagged with contamination. She sees a real existence where everyone is fleeing from their life since the truth is too unforgiving to even think about facing. She sees nations disabled in view of medications, careless slaves working in the poppy fields. She sees everyone unfit to confront reality in light of the fact that occasionally the fact of the matter is too difficult to even consider bearing. She has given us a totally conceivable future, where everybody we know can be an eejit, each kid we know could be starving since nothing is equivalent. This book will give perusers another view on what our reality could turn into. Rancher presents useful example of what could occur on the off chance that it is past the point where it is possible to open our eyes and oppress a large number of individuals to a hopeless reality. Nancy Farmer’s work in The House of the Scorpion has engaged a huge number of perusers as a result of the inquiries she slyly meshes into the plot, the lovely artistic symbolism, and the setting, which happens a hundred years into what's to come. Her cutting edge setting loans a feeling of loathsomeness to the book as everything is dead or battling to live. She has caught perusers with her phenomenal plot which she fleshes out with authentic characters. She has given the book a heart and along these lines it will catch ages of individuals on account of the characteristics she has composed it with.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Conflict Diamonds Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Strife Diamonds - Essay Example These wars till date have caused lost around 3.7 million lives. Presently that the war in Sierra Leone and Angola are finished, and DRC is likewise chilling off, the issue of contention precious stones despite everything exist (Seigel, 133; Conflict Diamonds: Did somebody kick the bucket for that jewel). In 1992, the UN Security Council found a way to take care of the issue, yet was a disappointment. In 1993, ban was forced on arms exchange and jewel sends out by the UN Security Council. In 1997, military takeover in Sierra Leone and breakdown of Lome’ harmony understanding in 2000 indicated a similar picture. In 2000, a ban on jewel trade from Sierra Nevada was additionally proposed, however all these did little to fathom the emergency circumstance in these African nations. Causes and Impacts The immediate effect of the ‘conflict diamonds’ circumstance can be viewed as the two primary issues that should be talked about here - one is the evacuee issue and the othe r being the youngster warriors. The wellspring of this continuous outcast issue began from December 1989 with an insubordination among Liberia and Ivory Coast. It was accounted for that by March 1990, just about 84,000 Liberians had looked for asylum in the neighboring nation of Guinea, which was the place most escaping individuals would look for cover. At the point when discusses exchange severed between the legislatures of both these nations, a wild defiance activated in Liberia in June 1990, and the displaced people were currently beginning to take cover in Sierra Leone in huge numbers. A great many people living in the regular territory of fringe like that of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone began crossing the outskirts as outcasts. These displaced people, rather than taking the more extended courses, got through the most limited of the ways as crow flies to take care of intermittent houses of worship and with justification of organizations. One significant issue was that these displaced people, rather than living in the evacuee camps began living together in neighborhoods nearby individuals. Land gave to them by the nearby specialists was utilized to settle somewhere near building harsh spontaneous houses as the neighboring territories began turning out to be stuffed. At first, there was co-activity from the host nation, however pressures began emerging when their numbers began duplicating. Indeed, even in certain zones, the quantity of outcasts surpassed the quantity of nearby individuals. Strains began raising when the country Liberian outcasts couldn't exactly adapt up to the urban styles of dressing and attitude. The pressures were raised further when there were decrease of effectively next to no assets, chiefly because of sloth response of the guide organizations. The hosts were never arranged to share their ruined assets (Magbaily Fyle, 37-47). The second and graver issue emerging from the contention of blood jewel is the expansion in the size of ki d fighters. As per United Nations (UN), number of youngster officers expanded from 200,000 to 300,000 during the period running from 1988 to 2002. The expanding utilization of youngster fighters are a slur notwithstanding the wide cases of different worldwide laws that case to apply their impact in protecting kids from both compelling and willful arrangement in common wars all through Africa. The Liberian war of 1989-1995 shows not the state’s armed force, however a mind blowing extent of youngsters among the dissidents. A few clashes likewise show an alternate pattern of sending more youngster fighters by the administration itself. In Africa, by

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Sir Gawain A Uniquely Tragic Christian Hero - Literature Essay Samples

Three codes of conduct suffuse Sir Gawain and the Green Knight: chivalry, honor, and Christian faith. As his mystical pentangle attests, Gawain begins his quest under the auspicious perfection of all three; however, after endeavoring through ineffable adversity and countless trials, he is exposed to be strikingly human. The faults laid bare- though few- haunt him terribly and the consolation offered by the Green Knight and King Arthurs court is of no comfort. In fact, their responses to Gawains failings are so disconnected from the protagonists own sentiments that they elucidate a misunderstanding of the true nature and depth of his remorse. Gawains intense shame is not founded on chivalric faults or promissory dishonor; rather, it is based on the Christian concept of original sin. By accepting the green girdle, Gawain commits the sin of pride and is forced to realize that he will never be able to reach the state of prelapsarian perfection for which he strives. Gawains own descr iption shows that his iniquity stems from the undue weight he placed on his own life. In his desperation to preserve himself from almost certain decapitation at the axe of the Green Knight, he sacrifices faith for self-preservation and takes the green girdle. He confesses, The faults and the frailty of the flesh perverse, / How its tenderness entices the foul taint of sin (lines 2435-2436). He is guilty of pride: holding his own life in an improper position towards God; by valuing his own flesh too greatly, he attempts to act outside the will of God and embraces the false idol of the belt. This interpretation of Gawains shame is supported by his explanation that the girdle is a badge of false faith and he will continue to wear it as a sign of the cowardice and coveting that [he] came to (2509, 2508). Though coveting is obviously the sin of greedily desiring the false, god-like power attributed to the girdle, cowardice is less clear. One might think Gawain is confessing to a sp ineless lack of courage, yet he clarifies it earlier in the poem as care for my life (2379). Gawains words show that he judges his sin of overvaluing his own life according to a Christian code of conduct and also provide a template to assess the other reactions in the poem. King Arthurs court lauds Gawain and cheerfully consoles his woes because they evaluate him in accordance to a sense of chivalry, not faith. In the opening scene of the epic, Arthur is portrayed as a little boyish, requiring some far-borne tale or some marvel of might, that he might trust, / By champions of chivalry achieved in arms before he begins his meal and, from Gawains homecoming, it seems little has changed: How it chanced at the chapel, what cheer made the knight, / The love of the lady, the green lace at last (86, 93-94, 2496-2497). The court is too absorbed by his chivalric tale to see the moral implications of the story. Their reaction prompts him to naked[ly] display the nick on his neck and with r age in [his] heart launch into a fevered confession of his blemish and sore loss (2498, 2501, 2506, 2507). But the Table still doesnt understand or give the proper weight to his shame; the court all together / Agree with gay laughter and gracious intent that everyone should wear a similar belt, and he [be] honored that had it, evermore after (2513-2514, 2520). That the court takes up the girdle only as a way to accord for that worthys sake, (referring to him as worthy when Gawain has just attested otherwise,) and twists the symbol to a sign of honor is further proof that, in their eyes, Gawain has done no real wrong- if any at all (2518). Gawain has returned with a grand tale of chivalry and that is good enough. Sadly, though Gawain has learned the trappings of pride, the lesson learned through the Green Knights challenge does not trickle down through the court; they are as obsessed with image, reputation, and chivalric grandeur as before. Though the Green Knight was sent to ass ay, if such it were, the surfeit of pride / That is rumored of the retinue of the Round Table, his forgiveness of Gawain ignores this original mission and instead is based on the protagonists overall successful adherence to a code of honor (2457-2458). Like Gawain, the Green Knight points to the green belt as the source of his wrongdoing; however, his language shows that it was Gawains disloyalty to his host in not presenting it as part of his earnings at the end of the third day- not the sins implicit with accepting the belt- that required the penance of his blade. The Green Knight describes the grievance: Yet you lacked, sir, a little in loyalty there, / But the cause was not cunning, nor courtship either, / But that you loved your own life; the less, then, to blame (2366-2368). His use of loyalty cannot be understated; though the word may seem to suggest a fidelity to God, it actually refers to a faithful adherence to ones promise, oath, word of honour, etc and thus can only be applied to his wrong against the host. Furthermore, the fact that the Green Knight cites Gawains love of his life as an excuse for his wrongdoing- when it is self-professed to be the root of his sinning- also shows that the Green Knight is judging Gawain on a code of loyalty or promissory honor and not Christian morals. Perhaps he is not aware of Gawains sin, but more likely he feels no need to go farther than his duty: Morgan le Faye sent him to assay the courts surfeit of pride, not pass judgment. King Arthurs court and the Green Knight react to Gawains story with amiable consolation, indicating that they judge him according to chivalry and honor, not Christian ethics; yet, the question remains: why does Gawain take the sin of self-preservation so seriously? After all, no one else seems to recognize its egregiousness, and right after it is committed a priest absolve[s] him of his sins as safe and as clean / As if the day of Doom were to Dawn on the morrow (1883-1884). The o nly answer lies in Gawains identity as a tragic hero. In the wake of all that he has achieved in the realms of chivalry and honor, he is tormented by an impossible perfection. And not only does he strive for something he cannot achieve, but in seeking perfection beyond original sin, he only ends up sinning more. He is noble, suffers more than he deserves, and is doomed from the start- but his story isnt one of despair. As the final wheel suggests, Gawains journey, like Jesus, is meant to rouse empathy and encourage people to find their place in faith:Many such, ere were born,Have befallen here, ere this.May He that was crowned with thornBring all men to His bliss! Amen. (2527-2530)For what matters not is that men fall- for that happened long ago- but that, with the grace of God, they attempt to pull themselves up. Works CitedSir Gawain and the Green Knight in The Norton Anthology of English Literature, Eighth edition, Vol. A, ed. Simpson, David. New York: W. W. Norton and Co. , 2000, 160-213.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay about Workplace Violence - 1101 Words

Workplace Violence â€Å"And who has not thought that the impersonal world deserves no better than to be destroyed by one fabulous sign of his displeasure?† (J. Bronowski, The Face of Violence) Workplace violence has become a concern for both public and private companies, and has prompted these companies to implement anti-violence programs. As well they should, for the Bureau of Justice Statistics shows in their Special Report on Workplace Violence, researched by Dr. Greg Warchol , that in each year for the period of 1992 – 96 more than 2.2 million residents were victims of violent acts while they were working or on duty. (BJS Special Report, July 1998, NCJ 168634) The most common violent act committed was simple assault with an†¦show more content†¦These figures do not take into account battering that is unreported to employers due to the absence of guaranteed protection and counseling. The total effect and extent of domestic overspill is yet to be recognized. 3.) Changing workplace demographics. Growing ethnic, linguistic, cultural and gender diversity is likely to foster inter-group tension. One factor is the accelerating pace of immigration. The percentage of the foreign born in the U.S. population has doubled since 1970 and now stands at the highest rate in almost 60 years 98.7percent). In heavily impacted regions, the proportion is much higher: nearly 25 percent of Californians for example were born outside the U.S. This phenomenon is radically altering the demographics of the workplace and increasing the risk of pervasive inter-group tension in the workplace. Since conflict among employees may erupt in violence companies need to address the causes. Companies need to put in place prevention plan and policies for dealing with incidents of workplace violence. In addressing the occurrence of violence in the public sector, Tacoma School District has implemented two curriculums that help teach violence prevention. Get Real About Violence, developed by Comprehensive Health Education Foundation,Show MoreRelatedWorkplace Violence And The Workplace2844 Words   |  12 PagesWorkplace Violence statics across the United States of America have been on a steady rise each year since the early 1990’s. Reports have consistently shown in recent years that than an average of 500 homicides and 1.5 million assaults occur each year in America, in the workplace. With those types of statics on the rise in America it’s clear that a Workplace Violence Program is essential to the health, welfare, safety, and security of our employees in the workplace. When enacting a Workplace ViolenceRead MoreWorkplace Violence And The Workplace1145 Words   |  5 PagesWorkplace violence definition OSHA Fact Sheet (2012) states â€Å" workplace violence is a violence or the threat of violence against workers† (p.1). Workplace violence causes serious harm to employees or homicide that can lead to deaths. Act in any kind of shapes and forms such as: physical threat, threatening behavior, intention of assault and battery, verbal abuse, beating, stabbing, rape, shooting, being followed, psychological trauma, suicide, treat or obscene phone call/text, intimidation. WorkplaceRead MoreWorkplace Violence And The Workplace1396 Words   |  6 PagesWorkplace violence Workplace violence can be any act of physical violence, threats of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening, disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. Workplace violence can affect or involve employees, visitors, contractors, and other non-Federal employees. A number of different actions in the work environment can trigger or cause workplace violence. It may even be the result of non-work-related situations such as domestic violence or â€Å"road rageRead MoreWorkplace Violence1735 Words   |  7 PagesWorkplace violence is present in every nook and cranny of corporate America, affecting millions of Americans every year. Workplace violence is defined by the Occupational Safety Health Administration, OSHA, as any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site. It ranges from threats and verbal abuse to physical assaults and even homicide. In 2011, there were over 2 two million reports and claims of workplaceRead MoreWorkplace Violence In The Workplace1071 Words   |  5 Pages INTRODUCTION: Violence in the workplace has become a major safety and health issue. Workplace violence is not limited to homicide. This type of violence includes behaviors and circumstances that threaten an employee s physical safety; such as: verbal threats, sexual or physical harassment, coercion, behavior changes, intimidation, stalking, telephone/email harassment, and history of aggression. â€Å"Workplace violence incidents have tripled in the last decade, and it is now the fastest-growing categoryRead MoreWorkplace Violence10377 Words   |  42 PagesUNLV Theses/Dissertations/Professional Papers/Capstones 5-1-2002 Workplace violence: A case study Robert F. White University of Nevada, Las Vegas Repository Citation White, Robert F., Workplace violence: A case study (2002). UNLV Theses/Dissertations/Professional Papers/Capstones. Paper 522. This Capstone is brought to you for free and open access by Digital Scholarship@UNLV. It has been accepted for inclusion in UNLV Theses/Read MoreWorkplace Violence And Its Effects On The Workplace834 Words   |  4 Pagesspecialists, medical attendants and assistants who manage psychiatric patients; individuals from crisis restorative reaction groups; and doctor s facility workers working in confirmations, crisis rooms, and emergency or intense consideration unit. This is violence committed by an aggressor who either gets administrations from or is under the custodial supervision of the influenced work environment or the casualty. The aggressors can be present or previous clients or customers, for example, travelers, patientsRead MoreWorkplace Violence2432 Words   |  10 PagesWORKPLACE VIOLENCE: A FORCE OF OVERALL CONCERN Adell Newman-Lee Criminology-CJ102-D04 December 3, 2003 THESIS: WORKPLACE AS IT RELATES TO CRIMINAL JUSTICE I INTRODUCTION: †¢ Crime and violence †¢ Workplace violence a major concern †¢ The three entities involved II STATISTICS †¢ The Bureau of Justice Statistics †¢ Statistics from 1992 to 1996 †¢ National Crime Victimization Survey and The Bureau of Labor Statistic III WORKPLACE VIOLENCE A LAW ENFORCEMENT ISSUE †¢ Responsibility of Law EnforcementRead More Workplace Violence Essay1030 Words   |  5 PagesWorkplace Violence Workplace violence is a phenomenon that is now widely recognized as a social problem, which impacts all organizations. According to Department of Justice statistics for 1995, 21% of all violent crime occurred while the victim was either at work or traveling to or from work. Workplace Violence accounted for more than two (2) million violent Crimes annually from 1992-1997 (Kaufer 1-2). In this research paper I will provide an overview of workplace violenceRead MoreEssay on Workplace Violence620 Words   |  3 PagesWorkplace Violence Workplace violence can be defined as any action that can threaten the safety of an employee, impact the employees psychological or physical well being, or cause damage to a companys property. Workplace violence is not often talked about, but it does kill people. In the last decade it has become one of the leading causes of deaths in the workplace. The University

Importance of Education to a Country’s Development

Question : Outline the importance of education to a countrys development. Answer : Introduction Development of an economy is highly essential and there are various important areas that accounts for positive level of contribution to an economys development. Education is one such factor that can play a pivotal role in the overall development of an economy. Education contributes in a number of ways towards achieving enhanced performance level of the entire economy. The possibility of attaining sustainable economic development can be ensured by way of efficient education system within the economy. Education accounts for contribution towards the overall economic development as it ensures the skilled and professional human capital that can contribute their efforts in bringing economic growth (Porter, Smith and Fagg, 2007). This report is aimed at analysing the role and contribution made by education in the overall development of an economy. The role of education is analysed by looking at the positive contribution it made to the growth of an economy. Based on the findings from the analysis, it will be summarised in the conclusion section of this report. Role of Education in Economic Development An analysis of the role of education in the entire economic development in the existing literature indicates that there is significant level of benefits that could be achieved from efficient education system. The important ways in which education helps in contributing towards the development of an economy are briefly summarised as follows: Education Contributes towards Better Citizenship: This has been the most significant contribution of education, as it accounts for better development of people as the citizen of the country. This is mainly in the sense that educated people have better knowledge and understanding of the socio-economic scenario of the country. They have better level of awareness of factors that contributes towards economic development such as conservation of energy, protection of resources that are scarce in nature etc. This signifies that educated people accounts for a direct level of contribution to the wellbeing of the entire economy (Pillay, 2010). Education Develops an Understanding of the Role of Voting: People become aware of the importance of voting only by having access to highly efficient education system in the economy. Voting has been an important activity that is essential for the smooth and efficient functioning of an economy. This is mainly because the selection of leaders is performed through voting, and it is therefore essential for the people to know about voting. The knowledge about it can be gained positively by way of education, and this signifies that education is essential part from the point of view of enhancing the knowledge of people at large (Samuel, 2013). Education Helps in Getting Employed: This is another important contribution of education system in an economy, as it accounts for positive level of contribution towards overall economic development. Businesses including multinational corporations need highly skilled and talented people and this can be positively accomplished by way of well educated system in the society. The educational system allows for the development of necessary skills and abilities which can be utilised by people in getting employed in corporations. Unemployment is a big economic problem, and this can be efficiently addressed through a highly efficient educational system within the society (Forde, McMahon, McPhee and Patrick, 2006). Education Helps in Enhancing Lifestyle of People: Lifestyle conditions of people can be enhanced through the application of highly efficient educational system. This is mainly because the standard of living gets enhanced which in turn attracts foreign nation companies within their economy. This accounts for positive level of contribution towards the growth and development of the economy, as foreign country companies accounts for significant level of taxes and revenues to the host country government. As a result, educational system is considered as highly essential in achieving development of the economic systems of an economy (Kennedy and Lee, 2007). Educational System Brings in Revenue for Local Government: The benefits of educational system to the performance of an economy can also be identified from the fact that it accounts for significant level of revenue to the local government. However, educational system needs to be highly efficient in order to ensure its positive level of contribution towards the economys performance. The contribution of educational system can be achieved in economys development from highly efficient education system in the economy. Such efficient education system would attract foreign national student and they in turn account for the overall development and growth of the economy. As in respect to Australia, there are many international students that come every year in order to pursue higher education. This leads to the positive level of contribution towards the performance of the entire economy (Pillay, 2010). Education Helps in Raising Productivity and Promotes Creativity: Education is also highly useful in terms of raising productivity levels and also in achieving higher level of creativity within people. This is mainly because education enhances creativity by way of promoting entrepreneurship within educated people. In addition to this, education plays a very crucial role in securing economic and social progress and in improving income distribution. This has been a crucial factor that contributes towards the development of individuals and ultimately towards entire economic performance. The capacity of labour to produce gets enhanced as a result of improved accessibility to the education and this improvement in their productivity level is therefore a major factor accounting for overall growth of the economy. Reduction in Poverty and Unemployment: This is another significant advantage of education system as it positively accounts for the contribution towards the reduction in important indicators of economic performance such as poverty and unemployment conditions. Poverty is regarded as a major threat to the performance of an economy. Similarly, unemployment situation indicates the growth of an economy is adverse and the unemployed people accounts for eating up majority of the resources. For the economy to prosper, it is essential that the unemployment levels and also the poverty levels should be reduced as much as possible. Education system has a critical role to play in this respect, as it accounts for positive development of individuals skills and abilities and also in making them eligible to get better access to work. The resulting impact is improved level of individuals development and ultimately the entire economys development (Thakur and Patel, 2010). The entire analysis as carried out above has indicated various important ways in which educational systems contributes towards improved level of economic performance. The analysis leads to identification that the value of education is achieved from the highly complex relations between the potential of human capacity to produce more economic output and the ability to innovate using their learning. Education allows for the basic development of understanding within people with regard to the most common things that accounts for direct level of contribution towards the development of economic performance. It not only ensures the enhancement of skills and abilities within them, but there has also been the availability of higher opportunities within them to produce more. This improvement in their productivity levels is an important contributing factor for such rise in the performance level of the entire economic conditions (Pring, Hayward, Hodgson, Johnson, Keep, Oancea, Rees, Spours and Wi lde, 2012). The analysis also indicated that there has been the development of moral understanding within people to conserve scarce resources. This particular ability is developed through their accessibility to educational system. However, these are the indirect benefits that could be achieved from the educational systems within the society. The analysis also indicated about the direct benefits that have a direct level of contribution towards efficient economic performance. This is mainly in terms of reduction in the poverty levels and also in the unemployment levels within the society. The positive contribution of efficient educational system to an economys performance is identified from the fact that it accounts for rise in the governmental income by way of international students subscribing to such highly educational systems across international boundaries. This has been an important source of income to government across local economy, and the resulting impact is better over economic developm ent. Conclusion In this report, a critical evaluation has been carried out with respect to the role and importance of educational systems towards ensuring the development of an economy and the performance of analysis indicated that there can be significant level of improvements that could be achieved in respect to entire economys performance from highly efficient educational systems. There are significant number of benefits that have been identified from having an efficient educational system within the economy such as reduction in the level of unemployment and poverty rates, increase in the revenue of government in terms of taxation liability on multinational companies, revenue from international students that subscribe for higher education within the economy, improvement in common understanding within people to become responsible performance and make preservation of the scarce resources and education is also identified as beneficial in developing an understanding of the importance of voting within people. All these are the significant level of benefits that could be achieved from efficient educational system within the economy. References Forde, C., McMahon, M., McPhee, A.D. and Patrick, F. (2006), Professional Development, Reflection and Enquiry, SAGE. Kennedy, K.J. and Lee, J.C. (2007), The Changing Role of Schools in Asian Societies: Schools for the Knowledge Society, Routledge. Porter, K., Smith, P. and Fagg, R. (2007), Leadership and Management for HR Professionals, Routledge. Pring, R., Hayward, G., Hodgson, A., Johnson, J., Keep, E., Oancea, A., Rees, G., Spours, K. and Wilde, S. (2012), Education for All: The Future of Education and Training for 14-19 Year-Olds, Routledge. Pillay, P.N. (2010), Linking Higher Education and Economic Development: Implications for Africa from Three Successful Systems, African Minds. Samuel, S. (2013). Importance Of Education In A Countrys Progress [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 16 January 2015]. Thakur, A.K. and Patel, M. (2010), Challenges of Education in 21st Century, Deep and Deep Publications.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

How to Write Research Paper Outline

How to Write Research Paper OutlineHow to write a research paper outline is a common question that students ask when they embark on writing their thesis. The outline of the paper is a crucial part of any paper because it helps to organize the flow of the paper and also the structure of the paper itself. It helps make the paper concise and also provides a starting point for the students in structuring the paper and making it work.If you do not have an outline for your research paper, you might be stuck without knowing where to start or what to do. This is because there are no outlines available for the papers. You may even end up with a paper that is of no use to you.To ensure that your research paper outline is clear and in order, there are several things that you need to bear in mind. First of all, if you are writing a dissertation then you have to ensure that you have completed the thesis yourself. Therefore, you have to have had adequate time to study the subject and decide what y ou would like to write about. It is important that you outline the topics in a very detailed manner.Your topics should be clearly defined and very logical. If you do not know what you want to write about, it is important that you do not write your paper. It is also important that you choose topics that are interesting to you and which appeal to your audience.Once you have done your research, you will have an idea of what you want to write about in your paper outline. You may choose to write about something that is related to the topic that you have chosen. However, make sure that you include some points to help establish the concept. By doing this, it will help you stand out from the crowd and give you a clear title for your paper.To ensure that you get your research paper outline right, you need to make sure that you stay on topic. For example, you need to look at the title and make sure that it does not sound like an advertisement. The same principle applies to the topic as well.S tart writing in the first person. The first paragraph is the first part of the paper that makes the paper. Keep your writing flowing and when you feel that you are in a good position to develop into a second paragraph, do so. It is important that you finish up on a good note.Do not neglect to include these tips when you are planning your outline. In fact, the outline of the paper is one of the most important parts of your research paper. You cannot afford to skip this step.